
Author at « GEET congress » – May 2020

Every year, the GEET doctoral school (ED 323) organises a congress to gather end thesis researchers in order to present their own work.

This article is a brief overview of my scientific contribution in power electronics integration, these last three years, during my PhD research.

Co-author at « POWER » – November 2019

The international workshop POWER covers the power management for transportation and industrial systems, the energy harvesting and conversion systems.

In the scope of my research, Thomas DIAS presented his work on the manufacturing process optimization of copper nano wires.

Contributor at « ECPE » – September 2019

The presentation of Vincent Bley shows an academic approach to the interconnection of power switches for module 3.0 at the « Power Modules of the Future » workshop with a special focus on technology.

Research from Ampère, Laplace, SATIE and Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe laboratories.

Speaker at « MiNaPAD » – May 2019

MiNaPAD is a 2-days conference. The objective of this event is to reinforce the design community (which constitutes the largest share of the semiconductor community in Europe) and the assembly and packaging community.

The publication and the presentation at the conference focus on the three-dimensional integration of power semiconductor devices using PCB-embedding technology and nanometric structured interfaces as interconnects.

This publication was elected « Best Paper Award » of the 2019 session.

Speaker at the « GT PCB » of the GdR SEEDS – November 2018

This working groupe works on PCB technology for power electronics applications. It covers the issues of substrate functionalization as well as its limits of use.

My presentation was focused on a complete state of the art on the active components integration and thereafter the proposed alternative solution. You will find online the report of this meeting.

Interview with the « Technopolitain » – April 2018

Every month, the newspaper’s editorial staff dedicates an article to former students of the Grand Poitiers Technopole, whose professional careers stand out.

This eighth episode is devoted to an interview about my academic and professional career.

You can find the published article by clicking « here ».